長期留学レポート 第3弾




国際観光学部では、4年間の在学中に2度の留学プログラム(経営学部 国際観光ビジネス学科生も対象)があります。
■カナダ The University of British Columbia 川森 一華さん
It has been one month since I came to Canada, and I think that I’m getting used to living here. 
There are four people  in my host family: Ray, Kenda, Parker, and Iris. My host mother loves Japan so she was very happy with the souvenir I brought from Japan. My host mother is also vegetarian, so the pizza we ate for dinner is made of half meat and half fake meat. The fake meat doesn’t taste any different from real meat. There are many supermarkets for vegans or vegetarians in Canada. 
I go to a language school at UBC. The class is all in English so I have to always think about how I can say what I want to communicate. We have to do group discussions in English. It makes me so tired, but it's a good opportunity to improve my English skills. There are students from different countries in the classroom. I joined a party held by my classmates and I participated in tours held by UBC. Now I have more friends.
■カナダ The University of British Columbia 村田 葵さん
I would like to introduce Granville Island.  Here is my recommendation. 
This is the Granville Island Public Market, located just off the boat.  We heard that our classmates had gone there, so we decided to go too.  As you can see, fruits, vegetables, cakes, bagels, sausages, flowers, scones, etc. were sold.  All the stores were stylish and I wanted to buy many things.  It’s a very famous place on the island and there are many locals, so if you want to feel a different atmosphere, please visit the Public Market.
Next for lunch, we enjoyed hot pie with onions and apple cinnamon juice.
I had never had a hot pie itself, and was overwhelmed by the look and texture of this delicious dish. It was also the first time for me to eat lunch outdoors, so it was a great experience.  Experiences like this will later become memories, so I hope I can cherish this moment.
The weather was beautiful and the temperature was just right.  I found Granville Island to be a great place to go out with family and friends because of the variety of other stores. I’m looking forward to going back next month.
■アメリカ Tacoma Community College 上神 穂佳さん
■アイルランド Dublin City University 真木 雅さん
■カナダ The University of British Columbia 小林 紗千さん
こちらに来てから、文化の違いや自分にない部分について気づく経験をしてきました。例えば、バスで車椅子や大荷物の人が乗ってきたらみんな後方へ移動し優先座席を空けるという行動がよく見られました。フレンドリーでたくさん話しかけてくれる人も多かったです。日本では人にぶつかった時に「すみません」と言ってもそこから会話は生まれませんが、こちらでは「sorry」と言うと「no worries」と返してくれるなど、お互いに言葉を発するということにも気づきました。レストランの時間も早く閉まるなど、家族の時間を大切にし、人との関わりが日本より深いのだと知りました。どこのレストランでも「元気?」や「美味しい?」と聞いてくれ、すごく気分が良くなる接客ばかりで驚きました。
I was able to learn about cultural differences and knowledge that I lacked.  For example, when a person with a wheelchair or a large baggage came in while riding a bus, it was common for everyone to go backwards and vacate priority seats.  Also, there were many people who were friendly and talked to me a lot. In Japan, I say I'm sorry when we bump into each other, but we don't have a conversation. Here, I noticed that when I say things like “sorry,” the other person says “no worries.”  I think that this country has a deeper relationship with people than in Japan. It values family time, such as closing the restaurant early. A lot of servers say “How are you?  Is it delicious?”   I was surprised to see all the customer service that made me feel really good.
I also realized that I hadn't been able to improve my vocabulary and skills.  It's difficult to make everything perfect, so I felt like trying to extend even one.  This picture was taken when all my classmates celebrated the birthday of the teacher in the main class.  This teacher gives us local information as well as the content of her lessons.  She taught  a lot about food, news, farmers markets and much more.


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