
▲優勝 濱田 奈央(はまだ なお)さん 〈国際観光学科 国際ビジネスコース〉

▲準優勝 中坂 日向大(なかさか ひなた)さん 〈国際観光学科 国際観光コース〉
▲特別賞 杉本 夢生(すぎもと ゆき)さん 〈国際観光学科 国際ビジネスコース〉

On Tuesday, October 25, the Department of Global Tourism and Business held its 2nd Annual Recitation Contest for first-year students at the Library Building Seventh Floor Hall. The students memorized speeches by famous world figures, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., author J.K. Rowling (of the Harry Potter series), and former American president John F. Kennedy. All of the speeches had content that our students can apply to their lives: how to deal with failure, injustice, and adversity. All of the first-year students participated in a preliminary contest, and 7 students were chosen to participate in the department-wide contest. A special judge, Mr. Kyle Kumataka, was also invited to the event.
In the end, Nao Hamada came away with first prize, with her interpretation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech. The second prize went to Hinata Nakasaka, who recited John F. Kennedy's "We Choose to go to the Moon" speech. There was also a viewer's choice award, in which students themselves got a chance to vote for their favorite speaker. That award went to Yuki Sugimoto.
Special thanks go to the 3rd year students who volunteered their time to serve as Master of Ceremonies (Kazuya Kishigami), timekeeper (Aoi Hayami), receptionist (Erika Hashimoto), and photographers (Sanae Shiomi and Yuho Kaji). We appreciate your efforts to help the first year students!