国際観光学部では、4年間の在学中に2度の留学プログラム(経営学部 国際観光ビジネス学科生も対象)があります。
■アメリカ Tacoma Community College 大島 健正さん
Tacoma in the United States has been chilly since I came to study abroad, but it’s finally warm enough to wear a short-sleeved shirt. The summer season has finally arrived. July and August are good for camping, so my host family and their friends took me camping. The campground was near the famous Mount Rainier. It was my first time camping, so I was a little worried. They kindly taught me how to chop firewood and how to build a fire, and I was able to prepare it myself. We had a campfire, and I had a good experience and a lot of fun. I also cooked hamburgers with them, and then I had a dessert called "S'mores" that people often eat when camping in the United States and Canada. You cook marshmallows over the campfire, and then put the cooked marshmallows and chocolate between graham crackers. I was able to experience a very American camping experience. The time we all sat and talked around the fire was a very good English study for me. Going camping was one of the things I wanted to do in my study abroad, so I was very happy that I could do it.
■アイルランド Dublin City University 橋本 恵莉佳さん
Today, a small fair opened near my host family’s house, so I went with my roommates.
I have many roommates, but today I went with Jo, who is from India and is working in Ireland, and Lara, who is from Brazil and is learning English at language school. Jo asked “Is it hot outside?” and I told her “It's hot!”
I was waiting for Jo at the house entrance to go to the park. When she came, we were wearing the same color T-shirt, so we laughed. After that, Lara came home and went to change her clothes, but she didn’t remember our T-shirts. She came out of her room, and then we were all wearing the same color T-shirt, and we were roaring with laughter again. We took many photos.
After that, we walked to the fair. We paid for 5 rides. The picture is when we rode one of them. The guy at the park spun it for us, and it seemed like we would blow away.